Sister Mari Isabel, The Catholic Nun
She was a favorite teacher at Saint Catherine of Alexandria's School for Orphans. She taught literature, art, and music. She played a guitar and sang songs about everything and anything. no matter what the subject or lesson was Sister Mari Isabel always had a song to go along with it!
She was also a wine afficionado and so, when one of her students presented her with a lovely, red apple, she could hardly wait for the end of class.
Once the day of teaching lessons and singing songs was over and the children had all gone for the day, she popped the cork on her bottle of red wine and let it breathe, unwrapped her soft cheese from it's paper wrapper, polished her shiny apple on her habit and the anticipation of that juicy got the best of her. She took a huge bite of her apple, much bigger than she was able to chew, and at that moment she realized that it was also to big to swallow. Dear Sister Mari Isabel tried to call out for help but unfortunately, that only lodged the piece of fruit further down her throat.
Everyone was in the dining hall, it was time for the evening meal. By the time anyone noticed that she was missing it was to late. A couple of children were sent back to get her and were terrified to find their favored teacher, Sister Mari Isabel, lying on the floor of the school house pointing to her throat.
Final face sculpt (well almost final). After seeing this photo a re adjusted her brow a bit. It was a little off.
Final paint
Pointing at her throat signifying the fact that she died choking on a piece of apple that was gifted to her by one of her beloved, students!